
2 semesters

Starting Date


Tuition Fee

CAD 17,618 per full


Toronto, Canada

About the Course

The Forensic Identification at Humber College’s unique hands-on approach provides expert instruction utilizing the most modern criminal forensic technology within a specialized curriculum. You will study advanced fingerprint development and analysis, physical matching of footwear and tool marks, digital photography, DNA and blood profiling, forensic interviewing, fraudulent document examination, rules of evidence, and trial procedure.

Training takes place in a state-of-the-art crime scene studio and forensic lab located at the Humber Centre for Justice Leadership. This innovative facility features a simulation lab for processing forensic evidence from staged crime scenes including photography, fingerprint development, advanced evidence collection techniques, and digital crime scene mapping. The centre also features four interviewing labs for practising interviewing techniques and assessing credibility. Finally, your forensic investigation skills and knowledge are put to the test in our mock courtroom.

Courses Included

  • Introduction to Criminal Investigation
  • Crime Scene Management
  • Digital and Video Photography
  • Fingerprint Development and Analysis
  • Physical Matching
  • DNA and Blood Profiling


Upon completion of the program, graduates may find employment in public law enforcement such as municipal, provincial or federal police and regulatory agencies, border services, transit services, or correctional services. Graduates may wish to work as a civilian employee of a police service, a uniformed police officer as a scenes-of-crime officer, or in specialized units such as forensic identification or criminal investigations. They may also find employment in private policing as a corporate or insurance investigator.

Interested? Get started today!